Vegan Carrot Recipes: A Wholesome Culinary Adventure for Plant-Based Foodies


Welcome to a wholesome exploration of the vibrant and versatile world of carrots! As a beloved vegetable cherished for its natural sweetness and rich nutritional content, carrots have long been celebrated in the culinary world and embraced by vegans and health-conscious individuals alike. In this comprehensive article, we delve into the realm of plant-based cooking and present a delightful array of vegan carrot recipes that will elevate your taste buds and nourish your body.

carrot pieces put into flower shape

Carrot benefits are aplenty, making them a standout ingredient in vegan diets. Packed with essential vitamins, minerals, and dietary fiber, carrots contribute to overall well-being and promote a healthy lifestyle. They are a fantastic source of beta-carotene, a powerful antioxidant and precursor to vitamin A, known for supporting eye health and bolstering the immune system. Incorporating carrots into your diet may aid in maintaining healthy skin, boosting heart health, and supporting digestion. As a staple in vegan kitchens, the nutritional value of carrots perfectly aligns with plant-based dietary needs, making them a valuable addition to any vegan meal plan.

While carrot nutrition offers a plethora of benefits, the process of cooking carrots can sometimes present challenges. In our recipes, we share useful tips and insights to ensure you achieve the perfect balance of flavors and textures in each dish. From the art of steaming carrots to retaining their crispness in pan-fried recipes, our step-by-step instructions will guide you through every culinary adventure.

carrot pieces in a plate

Additionally, we understand that embracing a vegan lifestyle comes with unique considerations. In our exploration of carrot recipes, we provide thoughtful variations and alternatives to cater to various dietary preferences and restrictions. Whether you’re an experienced vegan or just starting your plant-based journey, these recipes offer something for everyone, making vegan cooking an enjoyable and fulfilling experience.

By offering a wide range of delicious carrot recipes, this article aims to inspire creativity in the kitchen and transform simple ingredients into mouthwatering masterpieces. Whether you seek vibrant salads, aromatic soups, or tantalizing stir-fries, our collection of vegan carrot recipes guarantees a delightful culinary experience that satisfies your taste buds and nourishes your body. Let the natural goodness of carrots take center stage in your plant-based cooking, and embark on a culinary journey filled with flavors, colors, and wholesome nourishment.

1. Carrot Salad

This carrot recipe will teach you how to make raw carrot salad. Delight in the refreshing flavors of Carrot Salad, a vibrant and satisfying vegan recipe that celebrates the natural sweetness of carrots. Thinly shredded carrots are infused with the aromatic allure of minced garlic and a delightful blend of Chinese thirteen-spice powder and soy sauce. The final touch of hot oil enhances the dish, creating a tantalizing fusion of tastes and textures. With every bite, experience the perfect balance of flavors, making this Carrot Salad a delightful addition to your plant-based culinary repertoire. Embrace the simplicity and deliciousness of this carrot salad recipe and elevate your vegetarian cooking to new heights.

carrot salad in a plate



cloves of garlic—————————–2

grams of vinegar—————————8


light soy sauce—————————-1 tablespoons

Chinese thirteen-spice powder————2 g

oil——————————————-15 g


  1. Clean and peel the carrots, then cut them into thin shreds.
  2. Mince the garlic cloves.
  3. Place the carrot shreds in a container, then add the minced garlic, salt, Chinese thirteen-spice powder, and soy sauce. Do not stir.
  4. Heat the oil in a pan until it reaches boiling point, then pour it over the carrot shreds.
  5. Stir the carrot shreds until evenly coated. The dish is now ready.


In step 4, when pouring in the hot oil, aim for the ingredients to use the high temperature of the oil to enhance their flavors.

2. Pan Fried Carrot

This carrot recipe will teach you how to make pan fried carrot. Discover the savory delights of Pan-Fried Carrot, a mouthwatering vegan recipe that brings out the natural sweetness and earthy flavors of carrots. Sautéed with aromatic scallions, ginger, and garlic, this dish is elevated with a hint of Sichuan peppercorns for a subtle kick. The combination of soy sauce and salt perfectly balances the flavors, creating a delectable and satisfying culinary experience. Enjoy the tender yet crispy texture of the carrots, making every bite a delightful adventure. Elevate your plant-based cooking with this simple yet flavorful Pan-Fried Carrot recipe that is sure to impress your taste buds.

two bowls of pan fried carrot


carrots                                   3

scallion                                     1

ginger                                       10g

garlic cloves                              3

star anise                                  1

oil                                             2.5 tablespoons

Sichuan peppercorns                 20

light soy sauce                                  3 tablespoons

salt                                           2g


  1. Clean and peel the carrots, then cut them into thin shreds.
  2. Slice the garlic cloves, ginger, and scallion into small pieces.
  3. Heat oil in a pan. Once the oil starts to smoke, reduce the heat and add the Sichuan peppercorns. Stir-fry until fragrant, then remove the Sichuan peppercorns. Be careful not to burn them, as it can result in a bitter taste.
  4. Add the scallion, ginger, garlic, and star anise to the pan and stir-fry until fragrant.
  5. Increase the heat to high and add the carrot shreds. Stir-fry for about 30 seconds, then reduce the heat and cover the pan to simmer for another 30 seconds. This helps the carrots release their moisture and become tender.
  6. Increase the heat to high again and stir-fry for 15 seconds to evaporate any remaining moisture from the carrots.
  7. Add soy sauce and salt, and stir-fry until well-coated. The dish is now ready.


This recipe uses a relatively large amount of oil because beta-carotene, a nutrient found in carrots, is fat-soluble, and more oil helps to better release its nutritional content. In step 5, the longer the carrots are heated, the milder their inherent taste becomes. In step 6, if you prefer softer carrots, you can increase the stir-frying time. If you want to retain the crisp texture of the carrots, you can reduce the stir-frying time.

3. Refreshing Carrot Apple Juice

This carrot recipe will teach you how to make carrot juice with apple. Indulge in the refreshing goodness of Carrot Apple Juice – a delightful vegan beverage that combines the natural sweetness of carrots and apples. This vibrant juice is enriched with the subtle touch of rock sugar, creating a harmonious blend of flavors that will tantalize your taste buds. Sip on this nutritious concoction and reap the benefits of carrots, which are known for their high vitamin and antioxidant content, promoting overall health and well-being. Whether you prefer it hot or cold, this simple yet invigorating juice is a perfect addition to your vegan culinary repertoire. Experience the joy of wholesome flavors in every sip and elevate your plant-based journey with this delightful carrot juice recipe.

one cup and one bottle of carrot apple juice


carrot                             1

apple                               1

rock sugar                        20g

water                               400g


  1. Clean and peel the carrot, then cut it into small pieces. Clean the apple, remove the core and peel, then cut it into small pieces.
  2. In a pot, add the carrot, apple, rock sugar, and water. Heat until it reaches a boil, then reduce the heat to medium-low and continue simmering for 10 minutes. You can test the tenderness of the carrot and apple with a toothpick.
  3. Let the heated ingredients cool down to 40°C-50°C.
  4. Transfer the cooled ingredients (carrot, apple, and liquid) to a blender and blend for about 2 minutes. The recipe is now complete.


In step 3, if using a regular blender, cooling down the ingredients is necessary. If the blender is made of heat-resistant materials, you can skip the cooling step. In step 2, if the blender has a heating function, you can directly add the ingredients to the blender and heat them while blending for approximately 25 minutes. This recipe is for a hot drink. If you prefer a cold beverage, cool the vegetable and fruit juice after blending and refrigerate it. In this recipe, it is important to use at least 400g of water to prevent the juice from being too thick, which can affect the texture.

4. Savory Steamed Carrots

This carrot recipe will teach you how to make Steamed carrots with flour. Discover the delightful flavors of Savory Steamed Carrots – a tantalizing vegan dish that will elevate your taste buds! This recipe features tender carrot shreds, infused with the aromatic essence of garlic, green onion, and a hint of Sichuan peppercorn spice. The steaming process preserves the natural sweetness of the carrots while the flour coating adds a satisfying crunch. The hot oil drizzle releases a burst of flavors, creating a harmonious blend of taste and texture. With simple yet exquisite preparation, this dish is a must-try for all vegans seeking a delectable and satisfying plant-based treat. Savor the aromatic goodness of these steamed carrots and elevate your vegan cooking to a whole new level!

Steamed carrots with flour in a plate


Carrot                      1 piece

Salt                        15g

Oil                         8g+24g

Flour                       30g

Green onion                 1 piece

Garlic clove                               1

Sichuan peppercorn          20 pieces

Red chili pepper              1

Water                       as needed


  1. Clean and peel the carrot, then cut it into shreds.
  2. Chop the green onion, mince the garlic, and finely chop the chili pepper. Set aside.
  3. Place the carrot shreds in water, add salt, and stir well. Let it soak for 10 minutes.
  4. Remove the carrot shreds from the water, wrap them in gauze, and squeeze to remove the excess moisture from the surface.
  5. Pour 8g of oil into the carrot shreds and mix well.
  6. Add the flour and mix thoroughly with your hands, ensuring that each strand of carrot is coated with flour.
  7. Place the carrot shreds in a steamer and steam for an additional 4 minutes after the water boils.
  8. Take out the carrot shreds and place them in a container. Add minced garlic and chopped green onion, but do not mix yet.
  9. Heat a pan until dry, add 24g of oil, and then add Sichuan Sichuan peppercorns. Stir-fry over low heat until fragrant, then remove the Sichuan peppercorns.
  10. Pour the hot oil into the carrot shreds (aiming for the garlic and green onion) to release the aroma of the ingredients. Mix well to finish.


In step 4, it is important to ensure that the surface of the carrot shreds is dry enough. Otherwise, in step 6, the flour may become a paste due to excess moisture, resulting in the carrot shreds sticking together after step 7. In step 6, do not stir too vigorously for too long, or the flour coating on the carrot shreds may come off. In step 2, adding salt is to give the carrot shreds texture and a slightly salty taste, so you can add a bit more. In step 9, be cautious of oil splattering.

5. Carrot Soup

This carrot recipe will teach you how to make carrot soup. Indulge in the delightful flavors of vegan Carrot Soup – a comforting and nutritious vegan delight! This recipe features the natural sweetness of carrots combined with the freshness of snow peas and the aromatic essence of fennel. Sautéed onions add a rich flavor base, while a touch of olive oil enhances the overall taste. A sprinkle of black pepper adds a subtle kick. Easy to make and bursting with wholesome goodness, this carrot soup is a must-try for all vegans looking to savor a delectable and nourishing plant-based meal. Enjoy the velvety texture and exquisite taste of this delightful soup!

a bowl of carrot soup with yellow color


Carrot                  400g

Snow peas              50g

Onion                  50g

Fennel                  5g

Salt                                   1g

Olive oil                            1 tablespoon

Black pepper             3g

Water                   300g


  1. Clean the ingredients. Peel and slice the carrots. Chop the onion into small pieces. Cut the snow peas into small chunks. Slice the fennel seeds.
  2. Heat olive oil in a pot. Add the onion and Fenneland sauté until fragrant.
  3. Add the carrots and snow peas, and stir-fry for 30 seconds.
  4. Add water, cover the pot, bring to a boil, then reduce heat to low and simmer for 20 minutes.
  5. Remove the cooked ingredients and let them cool. Then transfer them to a blender and blend into a thick soup.
  6. Pour the soup back into the pot and heat over medium-low heat.
  7. Add salt and black pepper, stir well. Done.


In step 5, if the blender is heat-resistant, you can skip the cooling step.

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