Tantalizing Arugula Recipes: Elevating Your Plant-Based Diet with Arugula


Arugula, a leafy green known for its peppery flavor and vibrant appearance, is a hidden gem in the world of vegetarian cuisine. Beyond its delightful taste, this versatile ingredient boasts an array of health benefits and nutritional value that make it a perfect choice for vegans and health-conscious individuals alike.


Arugula is a nutrient-rich powerhouse, packed with essential vitamins and minerals. It is an excellent source of vitamins A, C, and K, providing a boost to the immune system and promoting healthy skin and vision. Its high calcium and potassium content support bone health and help maintain optimal blood pressure levels.

For those pursuing a plant-based diet, arugula offers a significant source of iron, crucial for maintaining energy levels and preventing anemia. Additionally, its low-calorie content makes it an ideal choice for those aiming to manage their weight effectively.


However, incorporating arugula into one’s diet may present some challenges. Its distinct peppery taste might not suit everyone’s palate, and some individuals may find the flavor slightly bitter. But fear not, as this article will guide you through a range of creative recipes that celebrate the essence of arugula while balancing its flavors with complementary ingredients.

From delightful salads to savory stir-fries, our collection of arugula-based recipes promises to turn even the most skeptical taste buds into arugula enthusiasts. Discover the art of plant-based cooking and learn how to savor the goodness of this green wonder in every dish.


Whether you are a seasoned vegan or someone exploring the world of plant-based eating, these arugula recipes are your gateway to a new world of vegetarian delights. Embrace the harmony of taste and health as we unlock the full potential of arugula in your culinary journey.

1. Tofu Arugula Salad

This Arugula recipe can let you indulge in a delightful symphony of flavors with our Tofu Arugula Salad! This tantalizing blend of tender tofu, peppery arugula, and a burst of zesty white vinegar will take your taste buds on a journey of pure vegetarian bliss. Carefully crafted to preserve the delicate texture of tofu, this salad brings together the best of nature’s goodness. A culinary masterpiece that showcases the art of plant-based cooking, making your journey towards vegetarianism a delectable adventure. Embrace the harmony of taste and health in every bite!

Tofu Arugula salad


Tofu1 block (approximately 200g)
Salt1/2 tablespoon
White Vinegar1 tablespoon


  1. In a pot, add enough water to submerge the tofu. Heat the water until it boils, then add the tofu and cook for 1 minute. Remove the tofu from the water.
  2. Cut the tofu into small cubes. Chop the arugula into fine pieces.
  3. Place the tofu in a container. Evenly spread the chopped arugula over the tofu. Sprinkle salt evenly.
  4. Heat the oil until it reaches boiling point, then pour it evenly over the ingredients.
  5. Add the white vinegar, gently mix everything together, and it’s ready to serve.


 In Step 5, be gentle while mixing, as tofu is delicate and can easily break apart.

2. Stir Fried Arugula with Cremini Mushroom

This Arugula recipe will elevate your vegetarian cooking with our exquisite Stir-Fried Arugula with Cremini Mushroom! Delight in the perfect blend of tender arugula and savory cremini mushrooms, harmoniously infused with a hint of crushed black pepper and a tantalizing kick of dried chili pepper. Sizzling in olive oil, this dish strikes a balance between the delicate charm of arugula’s fluffy texture and the rich earthiness of cremini mushrooms. A symphony of flavors awaits you in this delectable plant-based creation, making your culinary journey a true celebration of taste and health. Savor the goodness of nature’s bounty with every delightful bite!

Stir fried Arugula


Arugula 150g
Cremini Mushroom3
Crushed Black Pepper1/2 teaspoon
Dried Chili Pepper1
Olive Oil2 tablespoons
Salt  2g


  1. Clean the arugula and set them aside.
  2. Slice the Cremini Mushroom and mix them with crushed black pepper, then set aside.
  3. In a pan, add olive oil and heat it until the oil starts to smoke. Add the chopped dried chili pepper and stir-fry for 10 seconds. Add the Cremini Mushroom and stir-fry until they release their moisture and become soft (approximately 3 minutes).
  4. Add the arugula and stir-fry for 30 seconds. Add salt and mix everything evenly. Done.


The stir-frying time in Step 4 is just a reference. Raw arugula have a fluffy appearance, while cooked arugula will become soft and shrink together. Therefore, adjust the stir-frying time according to personal preference.

3. Arugula Sauce

This Arugula recipe will introduce the luscious Arugula Sauce – a tantalizing blend of vibrant arugulas, fresh cilantro, creamy avocado, and zesty lime. This delightful sauce brings a burst of flavors to your vegetarian creations, enriched with the subtle warmth of garlic and black pepper. Versatile and velvety, it pairs perfectly with bread and an array of dishes, elevating your plant-based culinary experience to new heights. For a delightful twist, add mint leaves and choose between the boldness of green lime or the milder touch of yellow lime. Unleash your creativity and savor the essence of arugula in every delectable bite!

Arugula sauce


Avocado 1/2 piece
Garlic Powder 1/2 teaspoon
Black Pepper Powder1/3 teaspoon
Salt1/2 teaspoon
Sesame Seeds a suitable amount


  1. Chop the arugulas and cilantro into fine pieces. Mash the avocado into a puree using a spoon.
  2. Remove the seeds from the lime and extract the lime juice.
  3. Place all the ingredients into a blender and blend into a smooth sauce.
  4. Transfer the arugulas sauce to a serving dish and sprinkle sesame seeds on top as garnish.
  5. Enjoy the arugulas sauce with other food items, such as bread.


 In Step 3, you can add a few mint leaves to enhance the aroma of the arugulas sauce. In Step 2, you can use yellow lime instead of green lime. Green lime has a strong flavor, while yellow lime has a milder taste. Choose according to your personal preference.

4. Chickpea ArugulaSalad

This Arugula recipe will take you to savor the delectable harmony of flavors in our Chickpea Arugula Salad! Indulge in the earthy goodness of chickpeas, combined with the peppery charm of arugula and the satisfying crunch of walnut kernels. Tossed in a delightful vinaigrette, this salad brings together the best of textures and tastes in a wholesome vegetarian ensemble. With chickpeas soaked to perfection, every bite is a burst of delightful satisfaction. Elevate your plant-based culinary experience with this simple yet utterly satisfying salad that celebrates the essence of arugula in a symphony of flavors. A truly delightful vegetarian delight awaits!

chickpea arugula salad


Arugula 30g
Chickpeas 30g
Walnut Kernels 30g
Vinaigrette 20g


  1. Soak the chickpeas in water for 12 hours in advance. In a pot, add water and the soaked chickpeas, bring to a boil, and continue heating for 20 minutes.
  2. Clean the arugula and place them in a container. Add the cooked chickpeas and walnut kernels.
  3. Drizzle the vinaigrette over the ingredients and mix well.
  4. Done.


Chickpeas have a relatively firm texture, so it’s necessary to soak them in advance.

5. Tomato Arugula Salad

This Arugula recipe will take you to experience the delightful freshness of our Tomato Arugula Salad! This vibrant mix of tender arugula, juicy cherry tomatoes, and crisp bell pepper is a celebration of vegetarian flavors. Infused with the umami goodness of soy sauce and the delightful tang of vegetarian salad dressing, this salad strikes a perfect balance between the slightly bitter notes of arugula and the savory sweetness of the other ingredients. A refreshing and satisfying addition to your plant-based culinary repertoire, this salad showcases the versatility of arugula as a true taste sensation. Embrace the harmony of colors and tastes in every wholesome bite!

tomato arugula salad


Bell Pepper 1/2 piece
Cherry Tomatoes8
Light Soy Sauce1 tablespoon
Vegetarian Salad Dressing2 tablespoons


  1. Clean the arugula and cut them into segments.
  2. Wash the bell pepper and cut it into small pieces.
  3. Cut the cherry tomatoes in half.
  4. Put the arugula, cherry tomatoes, and bell pepper into a container. Add the soy sauce.
  5. Add the vegetarian salad dressing.
  6. Mix well and serve.


Arugula have a slightly bitter taste, and adding salad dressing helps to balance this bitterness.

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