Garlic Recipes: 5 Must-Try Vegan Garlic Recipes Showcasing the Incredible Potential of Garlic

Brief introduction

This article will teach you how to cook garlic. It provides 5 innovative garlic cooking recipes. These garlic recipes showcase the deliciousness of garlic through various cooking techniques. These recipes are sure to reshape your perception of garlic, turning it from a culinary challenge into a flavorful delight. It’s worth mentioning that all the garlic recipes presented in the article are vegan. This is highly valuable for your dietary plans as a reference.

4 whole Garlic

Why Garlic?

Garlic is more than just a seasoning; it is a nutritional powerhouse that can significantly contribute to your well-being. Packed with essential vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants, garlic offers numerous health benefits. Its active compound, allicin, is known for its antimicrobial and immune-boosting properties. Consuming garlic has been linked to reducing the risk of cardiovascular diseases, promoting healthy cholesterol levels, and even aiding in the prevention of certain types of cancer. Furthermore, garlic is a natural detoxifier, supports digestion, and can enhance your body’s metabolism.

Unlocking the Versatility of Garlic:

Many people associate garlic solely with traditional dishes or basic recipes. However, the potential of garlic extends far beyond that. In this article, we will guide you through five innovative and enticing recipes that showcase the true versatility of garlic. From roasted garlic to garlic soup, each dish provides a unique and satisfying culinary experience. By exploring these recipes, you will discover the incredible range of flavors and textures that garlic can add to your meals.

Embracing Vegetarian Delights:

In addition to its health benefits, garlic is a remarkable ingredient for vegetarians and those considering plant-based diets. Incorporating garlic into vegetarian dishes adds depth, complexity, and a burst of flavor. Whether you are a committed vegetarian or simply looking to incorporate more plant-based meals into your diet, our recipes will showcase the endless possibilities of vegetarian cuisine centered around garlic.


Whether you are seeking to harness the nutritional benefits of garlic, experiment with new flavors in the kitchen, or embrace a vegetarian lifestyle, this article is your ultimate guide to cooking with garlic. By following our recipes, you will unlock the true potential of this remarkable ingredient and embark on a flavorful journey that caters to your health and dietary preferences. Say goodbye to bland meals and embrace the robust and enticing flavors of garlic-infused cuisine. Get ready to revolutionize your cooking and savor the delectable possibilities that garlic has to offer.

1. Roasted Garlic

This roasted garlic recipe will teach you how to make roasted garlic. We will be making oven roasted garlic, so please make sure you have an oven prepared. If you want to make roasted garlic in an air fryer, you can use this roasted garlic recipe as a reference, but please note that the roasting time may need to be adjusted. In this roasted garlic recipe, we will be making whole roasted garlic, so there’s no need to separate the garlic into cloves before cooking. Once it’s done, you can directly eat the roasted garlic cloves. This not only protects the garlic from burning but also makes it easier to season the garlic.

 roasted garlic with spice


Garlic (whole) as needed

Sea salt                  as needed

Cooking oil               as needed

Black pepper              as needed

Cumin powder (optional)    as needed

Rosemary (optional)        as needed

Chili powder (optional)      as needed


1. Cut off 1/4 of the garlic bulb from the top end. Peel off most of the outer skin, leaving some intact to keep the cloves together. No need to rinse with water, keep the garlic dry.

2. Drizzle cooking oil evenly over the cut part of the garlic. Then sprinkle with sea salt and black pepper. Depending on personal preference, you can also sprinkle other spices like cumin powder, rosemary, chili powder, etc.

3. Preheat the oven to 180°C (350°F) and bake for 30 minutes, using both the upper and lower heat elements. (If you have aluminum foil, you can also wrap the garlic in it. Bake at 180°C for 15 minutes. Then remove the foil, increase the oven temperature to 200°C (400°F), and continue baking for another 15 minutes.) Summary: Adjust the baking time according to your oven’s condition to prevent the garlic from burning.

2. Golden Crispy Garlic(fried garlic)

Golden Crispy Garlic is actually one variation of fried garlic. So, the content of this recipe is to teach you how to make fried garlic. We will also share other fried garlic recipes in the future. Although they are all deep fried garlic, the resulting deep fried garlic cloves have different textures. The fried garlic made according to this recipe is crispy fried garlic, and its characteristic is its crispiness. We hope you will enjoy it. We will also share a fried garlic recipe that produces soft and aromatic fried garlic cloves with a tender texture. Please stay tuned for that.

fried garlic in dish


Garlic 4(whole)

Salt            as needed

Water          as needed

Tempura flour   as needed

Vegetable oil    a small amount


1.    Peel the garlic cloves, wash them, and drain the water. Add some salt and marinate for 15 minutes.

2.    Mix the tempura flour and water in a container to make a batter. The ratio of tempura flour to water is 1:2. Then add a little vegetable oil and mix well to enhance the crispy texture. Also, prepare a separate portion of dry tempura flour without water.

3.    Dip the garlic cloves into the batter, ensuring that their surfaces are evenly coated. Then place them in the dry tempura flour to coat their surfaces evenly with the flour.

4.    Heat the oil in a pan until it reaches around 60% of its maximum temperature (approximately 160°C).

5.    Fry the garlic cloves in the hot oil until they turn golden brown, then remove them and drain excess oil.

6.    The garlic cloves marinated in step 1 already have a salty taste and can be consumed directly. You can also sprinkle chili powder or other spices according to personal preference. They can be served with tomato sauce or other dipping sauces for a more flavorful taste.

Summary: In step 3, breadcrumbs can be used instead of tempura flour to coat the surface of the garlic cloves. In this recipe, if you don’t have tempura flour, you can try using starch as a substitute.

3. Black garlic

This black garlic recipe will teach you how to make black garlic. If you’re not familiar with what is black garlic , reading this recipe should give you an idea. Black garlic is not a garlic variety; rather, it is a naturally fermented product of garlic. The benefits of black garlic are quite surprising. Black garlic is rich in proteins, vitamins, as well as various trace elements like calcium, iron, and zinc. It has several health benefits, including fatigue relief, improved sleep, digestive regulation, and alleviation of stomach discomfort,etc. The remarkable aspect of black garlic making is its ability to transform the pungent flavor of garlic into a sweet taste. This makes it an intriguing experiment for those who dislike the taste of raw garlic but still want to incorporate it into their diet. We will also introduce black garlic recipes that feature black garlic as the main ingredient, so stay tuned for those.

Half-cut and whole black garlics in dish


Garlic (Both single-clove garlic and multi-clove garlic are acceptable.)


Rice cooker

Kitchen paper

Steaming rack


1.    Select garlic bulbs with intact appearance, without damaged skin or sprouting.

2.    Clean the surface of the garlic bulbs using kitchen paper or a cloth, without the need for water. Be careful not to break the outer skin of the garlic while cleaning.

3.    Place a steaming rack into the rice cooker (to prevent direct contact between the garlic and the bottom of the cooker, ensuring even heating). Then, line the steaming rack with a layer of kitchen paper. Next, evenly place the garlic bulbs on the steaming rack. Finally, cover the garlic with another layer of kitchen paper (the purpose of the paper is to absorb moisture).

4.    Cover the rice cooker and turn on the power. Keep the rice cooker in the warm mode (maintaining a temperature of approximately 60°C) continuously for at least 15 days. Do not open the lid to check during this period.

5.    After 15 days, take out one bulb of garlic to check its condition. If the garlic has turned completely black, has a soft texture, and its pungent taste has transformed into sweetness, it indicates a successful process. If the garlic has not completely turned black, continue running the rice cooker.

6.    Once the garlic has successfully transformed into black garlic, store it in a sealed container. If the black garlic contains excess moisture, allow it to sit outside the container for some time before storage, allowing the moisture to evaporate naturally.


1.    It is recommended to make black garlic outdoors or in a well-ventilated room due to the strong odor emitted during the process.

2.    If the process takes too long, the texture of black garlic may become too dry and develop a bitter taste, indicating a failed process. However, if the time is too short, the garlic may not have fully transformed, affecting the taste. Therefore, the time should be adjusted based on the specific production environment, with a total production time of approximately 15 to 21 days (environmental temperature and different brands of rice cookers can affect the duration).

3.    Regularly check if the rice cooker remains powered on throughout the process (some rice cookers may automatically power off due to safety features). Automatic power-off of the rice cooker can result in a failed process.

4.    Do not put too many garlic bulbs in a single batch to ensure even heating for each bulb.

4. Pan Fried Garlic Slices with Sesame Oil

This recipe will teach you how to make pan fried garlic. Previous recipes have been focused on transforming the flavor of garlic into different taste experiences. However, this recipe takes a different approach by maximizing the intense garlic aroma. When garlic comes into contact with hot oil, it releases a strong fragrance, which is why garlic is often chosen as a supporting ingredient in many recipes. Pan frying allows for ample contact time between the garlic and the hot oil, maximizing the production of garlic aroma while reducing its spiciness. Additionally, pan fried garlic has a crispy exterior and a tender interior, offering another delightful sensory experience.

 Pan Fried Garlic Slices in dish


Garlic as needed (according to personal preference)

Sesame oil as needed

Salt as needed

Black pepper (optional)


1.    Peel the garlic cloves, wash them thoroughly, and then slice them.

2.    Heat a non-stick pan until dry, and add sesame oil. Spread the garlic slices evenly in the pan. Cook over low heat.

3.    Flip the garlic slices until both sides are golden brown.

4.    Sprinkle with salt and stir-fry evenly. Summary: It is important to control the heat in step 2 to prevent the garlic slices from burning. In step 5, you can add black pepper according to personal preference.

5. Fragrant Garlic Soup

When it comes to garlic soup, the usual options that come to mind are garlic rich soups like roasted garlic soup. This poses a significant challenge for individuals looking for vegetarian or vegan options. However, our garlic soup recipe aims to teach you how to make a refreshing and aromatic garlic soup. It is 100% vegan garlic soup and definitely worth incorporating into your dietary plans.

a bowl of garlic soup


Garlic 300 grams

Oil as needed

Scallions (green onions) as needed

Cilantro as needed

Black pepper (optional)

Water as needed


1.    Remove the root end and peel the garlic cloves, then wash them thoroughly.

2.    Heat oil in a pan and fry half of the garlic cloves (approximately 150 grams) until they turn slightly golden.

3.    Flatten the remaining half of the garlic cloves.

4.    Add both the fried and flattened garlic cloves to the pan, along with water. Heat over high heat.

5.    Once the water boils, reduce the heat to low and continue simmering for 30 minutes.

6.    Turn off the heat, add salt, and let it sit for 10 minutes.

7.    Add scallions and cilantro. You can also add black pepper according to personal preference.

Summary: The ratio of water to garlic should be approximately 2:1 in terms of height. If you have a smaller quantity of garlic, use a smaller pot to ensure that the water covers the garlic without being too excessive, as too much water may dilute the garlic flavor. The oil used in step 2 can be used to infuse herbs (such as rosemary or basil) and create garlic-infused herb oil.

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