Cherry Radish Recipes: Cherry Radish Culinary Delights Elevate Your Vegan Menu


Cherry radishes, often overlooked in the world of vegan cuisine, hold immense potential to transform your plant-based dining experience. Beyond their vibrant appearance and crisp texture, cherry radishes offer a plethora of benefits for those seeking nutritious and delectable options. Packed with essential vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants, these little gems contribute to your overall health while tantalizing your taste buds.

Cherry radish

Cherry Radish Benefits and Nutrition: These ruby-red radishes are a nutritional powerhouse. They are a rich source of vitamin C, which supports a healthy immune system, and fiber, aiding digestion. Cherry radishes also provide essential minerals like potassium and folate. Moreover, they contain antioxidants that combat free radicals and promote skin health, making them a valuable addition to any vegan diet.

Overcoming Challenges in Cherry Radish Consumption: While cherry radishes offer a spectrum of health benefits, they can also pose challenges, primarily due to their peppery spiciness. However, fear not, as this article will introduce you to a variety of delicious recipes that mitigate this spiciness and bring out the radishes’ natural sweetness.

Cherry radish

Unlocking the Culinary Potential of Cherry Radishes: Our featured recipes include pickling, braising, stir-frying, and creating a refreshing salad with cherry radishes. Each cherry radish recipe is carefully crafted to elevate your vegan dining experience, providing a delightful fusion of flavors that will satisfy even the most discerning palates.

Cherry Radishes for Vegans and Diet Enthusiasts: Whether you’re a seasoned vegan looking to diversify your menu or someone on a health-conscious diet seeking nutritious and flavorful options, cherry radishes have something to offer. Their versatility and unique flavor profile make them a valuable ingredient in your culinary arsenal.

Cherry radish

What Sets This Article Apart: This article stands out by presenting not only a collection of enticing cherry radish recipes but also by addressing common challenges and misconceptions associated with this vegetable. We aim to empower you with the knowledge and creativity needed to make cherry radishes a star player in your vegan dishes.

Value and Significance: By delving into the world of cherry radish recipes, this article provides valuable resources for vegans and health-conscious individuals. It encourages exploration, creativity, and the incorporation of nutritious ingredients into everyday diets. Elevate your plant-based dining experience with these delightful cherry radish dishes, and discover the joy of mindful and nutritious eating.

Cherry radish

1. Pickled Cherry Radishes

Elevate your vegan culinary experience with our delectable Pickled Cherry Radishes recipe. These vibrant, tangy radishes are a perfect addition to your plant-based repertoire. The unique blend of white vinegar, lemon, and rock sugar provides a delightful balance of sweet and sour flavors, while the cool boiled water ensures safety and freshness. Whether as a zesty side dish or a colorful garnish, this recipe will surely tantalize your taste buds. Enjoy a burst of flavor and creativity in your vegan cuisine journey.

Pickled Cherry Radishes


Cherry radishes400g
White vinegar20g
Granulated sugar20g
Cooled boiled water150ml (for soaking)
Rock sugar30g
Salt 1 teaspoon


  1. Wash the cherry radishes thoroughly and trim off the tops and bottoms.
  2. Slice the cherry radishes without cutting them all the way through, allowing them to remain connected. If it’s challenging to control the pressure, you can place two chopsticks (or other similarly sized objects) horizontally on the cutting board and position the cherry radish between them. This will protect the bottom of the cherry radish from being cut, keeping the slices connected to each other.
  3. Place the sliced cherry radishes in a container, add salt, and mix well. Let them marinate for 15 minutes.
  4. Remove the liquid released by the cherry radishes and rinse them with cooled boiled water. Drain the cherry radishes.
  5. In the same container, add white vinegar, granulated sugar, and cooled boiled water. Stir thoroughly.
  6. Place the cherry radishes in a sealable container. Add sliced lemon, rock sugar, and the mixture from step 5. Seal the container and refrigerate for at least 12 hours.
  7. Remove the pickled cherry radishes and they are ready to serve.


 Step 3 helps to remove the spiciness of the cherry radishes. The use of cool boiled water in this recipe is to reduce the impact of bacteria in the environment, so it’s advisable to sterilize the sealed container at high temperature in advance during step 6.

2. Braised Cherry Radishes

Indulge in the rich flavors of our Braised Cherry Radishes recipe, designed to elevate your vegan dining experience. These cherry radishes are bathed in a savory blend of aromatic spices and sauces, including star anise, Sichuan peppercorns, light soy sauce, and vegetarian oyster sauce. The result? Tender radishes with a perfect balance of sweet and savory notes, all bathed in a luscious sauce that’s both hearty and satisfying. This culinary creation promises to make Cherry Radishes the star of your vegan menu. A delectable journey awaits!

Braised Cherry Radishes


Cherry radishes500g
Oil1 tablespoon
Star anise1
Sichuan peppercorns15
Light soy sauce2 tablespoons
Vegetarian oyster sauce1 tablespoon
Granulated sugar1/2 tablespoon
Green onions1 stalk


  1. Clean the cherry radishes thoroughly, and trim off the tops and bottoms. Cut the cherry radishes in half.
  2. In a pot, add oil and heat it until it starts to smoke. Add Sichuan peppercorns and star anise, then reduce the heat to low and sauté until fragrant. Remove the Sichuan peppercorns and discard them.
  3. Add the cherry radishes and stir-fry until the cut sides of the radishes become semi-translucent. Add light soy sauce and granulated sugar, and stir-fry until well combined.
  4. Add vegetarian oyster sauce and water, and stir-fry until well combined. Bring it to a boil, then reduce the heat, cover the pot, and simmer for 10 minutes.
  5. Remove the lid, increase the heat to high, and let the sauce reduce and thicken.
  6. Serve the braised cherry radishes, garnished with chopped green onions.


Be cautious when handling Sichuan peppercorns in step 2 to avoid splattering hot oil.

3. Stir-Fried Cherry Radishes

Savor the simplicity of our Stir-Fried Cherry Radishes recipe, a delightful addition to your vegetarian culinary repertoire. These tender radishes are lightly cracked to absorb the rich flavors of garlic, light soy sauce, and fragrant green onions. A quick stir-fry in aromatic oil brings out their natural sweetness, while a dash of salt enhances the savory notes. The result? A harmonious symphony of tastes and textures, making Cherry Radishes the star of your vegetarian feast. Elevate your dining experience and embark on a journey of culinary creativity with this easy yet flavorful recipe.

 Stir-Fried Cherry Radishes


Cherry radishes13
Garlic cloves2
Green onions 1 stalk
Light soy sauce1 tablespoon
Oil1 tablespoon


  1. Clean the cherry radishes thoroughly and trim off the tops and bottoms. Cut the cherry radishes in half. Use a knife or a kitchen mallet to gently tap the cherry radishes to create cracks in them. (Be gentle to avoid breaking them; creating cracks is sufficient.)
  2. Finely chop the garlic.
  3. Chop the green onions.
  4. Heat oil in a pan until it starts to smoke, then add the cherry radishes and stir-fry for 30 seconds.
  5. Add salt and light soy sauce, and stir-fry for another 30 seconds.
  6. Pour in 50ml of water, cover the pan, and simmer for 1.5 minutes.
  7. Add the garlic and green onions, stir-fry for 30 seconds, and it’s ready to serve.


 The purpose of tapping the cherry radishes in step 1 is to allow them to absorb flavors more effectively.

4. Stir-Fried Cherry Radishes with Sweet Bean Sauce

Experience the exquisite fusion of flavors in our Stir-Fried Cherry Radishes with Sweet Bean Sauce recipe. These vibrant cherry radishes are transformed into a savory sensation as they mingle with the rich sweetness of sweet bean sauce and a hint of sesame oil. Blanched to perfection, they strike a harmonious balance between tenderness and crispiness. The infusion of fragrant green onions adds a delightful complexity to this dish. A symphony of tastes awaits you in this unique vegan creation. Elevate your plant-based dining experience and relish the tantalizing flavors of our Stir-Fried Cherry Radishes with Sweet Bean Sauce.

Stir-Fried Cherry Radishes with Sweet Bean Sauce


Cherry radishes15
Green onions2 stalks
Sweet bean sauce 2 tablespoons
Granulated sugar1 teaspoon
Sesame oil1 teaspoon
Cooking oil 1 tablespoon


  1. Clean the cherry radishes thoroughly and trim off the tops and bottoms. Cut the cherry radishes in half.
  2. Bring a pot of water to a boil, add the cherry radishes, and blanch for 1 minute. Remove the cherry radishes and drain them.
  3. Chop the green onions, separating the white and green parts.
  4. Heat cooking oil in a pan until it starts to smoke, then add the white parts of the green onions and sauté until fragrant.
  5. Add sweet bean sauce and granulated sugar, and sauté until fragrant.
  6. Add the cherry radishes and stir-fry for 1.5 minutes.
  7. Add sesame oil and the green parts of the green onions, and stir-fry until well combined.
  8. Serve the stir-fried cherry radishes with sweet bean sauce, and it’s ready to enjoy.


 Step 2 helps to remove the spiciness of the cherry radishes.

5. Cherry Radish Salad

This Cherry radish recipe will introduce our Cherry Radish Salad, a vibrant and refreshing addition to your vegan repertoire. These cherry radishes are transformed into a delightful dish with a medley of flavors. The savory notes of light soy sauce are perfectly balanced by a touch of granulated sugar, while a drizzle of sesame oil adds a hint of nutty richness. The result is a harmonious fusion of tastes that complements the crispness of the radishes. This salad is not just a feast for the palate but also a visually appealing addition to your vegan menu. Elevate your dining experience and savor the freshness of Cherry Radish Salad. A culinary delight that’s both delicious and visually captivating.

 Cherry Radish Salad


Cherry radishes13
Light soy sauce2 tablespoons
Granulated sugar 1/2 tablespoon
Salt1 teaspoon
Sesame oil1 tablespoon


  1. Clean the cherry radishes thoroughly and trim off the tops and bottoms. Slice the cherry radishes.
  2. Place the cherry radish slices in a container, add salt, and mix well. Let them marinate for 30 minutes.
  3. Rinse the cherry radishes with drinking water and drain them.
  4. Put the cherry radishes in a container, add light soy sauce, sesame oil, and granulated sugar. Mix well to combine. It’s ready to serve.


In step 3, using cooled boiled water (room temperature) after bringing it to a boil is preferable.The leaves of cherry radishes are also edible. Preparation: Place the leaves in boiling water and heat for 1 minute, then transfer them to cold water to cool down, and finally, remove the leaves and drain excess water.

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